Saturday, January 21, 2012

Let's Learn Korean tradition Saebae!!

What is SAEBAE?

In Korea, lunar Jan. 1st is the New Year's day.
On New year's day,
people dress in traditional Korean garments,
Visit the elderly,
And give them the first greetings of the year.
Then the elderly
Will pass down their wisdom
And for minors,
They give out traditional money bags!!!

 Lesson 1. How to SAEBAE!!!
 1. Hands together
For men, left hand goes over the right
For women, right had goes over the left
and face the elderly, standing up

2. With the hands folded together,
Men bring them up to the eyesight,
Women bring them up to the shoulderline
And look at the top of your hands.
3. For men, bring down your hands
Bend your waist, and touch the floor.
For women, bend your left knee first,
then right knee as well then sit on your hip.
4. For men, the entire forearm with the elbow must touch the floor
Put down your forehead on top of your hads
Don't lift your hips here! For women, bend your upper torso at about 45 degree angle,
Stay there for a bit, then straighten up.
5. For men, straighten up your right knee
Push yourself up to stand
For women, stand with your right knee first,
Then your left knee comes up
Next, bow slightly!

Lesson 2. Let's try Saebae for real!!

Visit an elderly Korean you know
and try your new Saebae skills
For example, friends' parents, teachers, our boss, etc.
1. Saebae is appropriate from sunrise to sunset, on Jan 1st lunar.
2. Don't do it on the streetside.
3. Anyone over 20 shouldn't take the money

Hope you to be Happy in New year!!!

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